Insurance Products
Property /With Wind
General Liability​
Workers Compensation
Crime/Fidelity Bond
Directors and Officers Liability (D&O) Coverage
Umbrella Liability Coverage
Flood Insurance
Boiler and Machinery
Additional commercial insurance coverage includes:
Manuscript forms and endorsements
Broad form named insured definition that includes joint ventures
Total project value includes reasonable profit and overhead and temporary structures
Limits margin clause protects against possible increases in a project’s cost due to change orders
Delay in completion
Existing structure
Flood, named storms and earthquake
Permission to occupy
Emergency property protection expense coverage
Property in transit and offsite storage
Architect and Engineer’s fees
Contractor’s expediting and extra expense
Debris removal
Testing of building systems and hot testing
Demolition and increased cost of construction
Better Green™ (LEED®/Green project coverage) capabilities
International capabilities including Erection All Risk (EAR)/Contractors All Risk (CAR)